(CNN) -- Longtime coach Richard Callaghan has been eternally banned from US Figure Skating after he was accused in a lawsuit of sexually abusing an underage figure skater. The action comes after the US Center for SafeSport -- the US Olympic Committee agency which has exclusive authority over allegations of sexual misconduct -- said Callaghan was permanently ineligible to participate in any competition or action having to do with the US Olympic Committee or the sports national governing body. US Figure Skating adopted the sanction, powerful Wednesday, it said on its site. Before this past year, Callaghan was accused of sexually abusing former US figure skater Adam Schmidt over the course of two years, beginning when Schmidt was approximately 14 years old. The abuse happened while Callaghan was training Schmidt, the lawsuit alleged, and afterwards at a competition in San Diego. US Figure Skating previously declined to comment on the lawsuit, but said itsupports most victims of sexual abuse and misconduct and supports anyone that has been mistreated or suspects abuse or misconduct to instantly report it to law enforcement, the U.S. Center for SafeSport or U.S. Figure Skating. The ice skating center stated the claims in the suit werequite severe anddeserve a comprehensive investigation. The facility stated it was notified of those claims by news outlets and requests and had yet to get the lawsuit. The US Center for SafeSport formerly suspended Callaghan at March 2018, following allegations that he made sexual advances as soon as 1976 toward the other figure skater, who said he was 13 at the moment. Within an email, Callaghans lawyer, Dean Groulx, told CNN the ban marked asad day for US Olympic sports. A real giant US figure skating is subject to a lifetime ban without due process. Groulx blasted SafeSport, saying that the teamaltered its principles in the center of its evaluation of Richard Callaghan to carry out what could only be characterized, in my estimation, as a witch hunt. Schmidt is a former member of the US National Figure Skating Team, his attorneys said. This statement is a significant victory for all whove suffered abuses from the prior legend of figure skating, Mr. Callaghan, Schmidt said in a statement Thursday. He proceeded to accuse US Figure Skating of developing aculture of abuse that lasted decades and now will be the first of many successes to come in reversing this. And Schmidts attorney, John Manly, hailed the decision, telling CNN,That shouldve been done in the 90s. Its very good news but small comfort to those he hurt Figure skater Tara Lipinski was trained by callaghan at the 1998 Winter Olympics into a gold medal. He also coached 1996 world champion Todd Eldredge. Read more: http://classicsounds.pl/laver-cup-team-europe-clinch-dramatic-13-11-win-over-team-world-2/
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