Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have shattered the principles and expectations of American politics. As the 2016 campaign enters Super Tuesday, can they continue to beat the odds? Sam O'Connor provides you with all you want to know about this most crucial day of the main season. With the potential exception of Kanye West's creative process, there is not anything quite as baffling, drawn-out or complicated as the way Americans elect their President. Consider this; if you wanted to be the occupier of the White House come January 20, 2017, then your campaign would officially have to begin around 18 months prior. Unofficially, you'd have probably spent time sounding out possible supporters, staffers and donors almost right after the end of the previous election cycle. In order to be a viable candidate, then you need the backing of either several deep-pocketed donors, or a large number of individuals ready to contribute to your cause (or both). After this is sorted, you then spend weeks doorknocking, shaking hands and holding rallies in Iowa and New Hampshire...and it might be all for naught thanks to political missteps, poor debate performances or just bad luck. As of time of writing, the 2016 election effort is very much underway. Currently, both major parties in the USA, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, have been in the process of picking their individual presidential nominees. Each state and territory holds primary elections to choose these candidates. Whoever wins the most assistance from the members of their own party then proceed on to confront their competition in November. Sounds easy, right? Sad to say, the American primary system is a labyrinth full of rules and unique processes that make it far from simple. Each state has a specific number of delegates allocated to them by the parties' executive. Delegates are divided between candidates depending on the amount of votes they receive. These delegates subsequently are bound to vote for a particular candidate in the party national convention, where the presidential nominee is proclaimed. But, there's absolutely no national standard for the way the presidential primary is conducted. Most delegates are divided based on the popular vote, however there are some exceptions. Some states, like Ohio or Florida, award all delegates to whomever comes in first place. Some states maintain"open" primaries in which anyone, not only registered Democrats or Republicans, can take part, while others are"closed" off just to registered party fans. Some states, the most famous being Iowa, maintain caucuses instead of a primary. Caucuses work more like city meetings, in which citizens collect not just to vote but also to urge for their preferred candidate. Early voting states such as Iowa and New Hampshire typically function as a way of filtering out fringe candidates and people with no backing to get a longer campaign. On the other hand, the 2016 effort cycle was possibly the most unconventional in years, and also the typical rules of American election campaigns aren't applying. On the other hand, Donald Trump has dominated surveys, airtime and debates, despite little support in the Republican Party's institution. After originally being disregarded as a joke offender following his eyebrow-raising announcement address branding Mexican immigrants as"rapists", Trump rapidly rose to the surface of GOP polling. He cemented his front-runner status using a comfortable victory from the New Hampshire primary, after putting a respectable second in Iowa behind conservative Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas). He followed these up with big wins in Nevada and South Carolina. Trump contributes to both national polling and most of the states voting on March 1. On the Democratic side, the so-called"coronation" of Hillary Rodham Clinton has been disrupted by the rise of unknown Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont. Sanders has ran a campaign reminiscent of Barack Obama's in 2008, focusing on young people and students, describing himself as a"democratic socialist" who wants to break up the huge banks, make college education free and set a single-payer healthcare strategy. While Clinton has overwhelming support from elected Democrats and party officials, courtesy of her status as a former First Lady, Senator and Secretary of State, she has faltered slightly as more innovative Democrats have switched their service to Sanders. In the Democrats' Iowa caucus, Clinton narrowly defeated Sanders by a miniscule margin, while at New Hampshire she had been defeated easily by Sanders. However, the campaign now moves to a series of mostly Southern states. Clinton's support among Democrats, according to polling, is strongest amongst African-Americans, Hispanics and much more moderate Democrats- most of whom make up the vast majority of Democratic voters in those states. The twin climbs of Trump and Sanders, formerly figures on the political fringe, to mainstream focus, indicates the 2016 election is really unlike any other. On Tuesday 1 March, called"Super Tuesday", 12 states go to the polls. Hillary Clinton's crushing victory on February 27 in South Carolina's first election has invigorated her campaign and place her in the box seat for Tuesday's elections (Wednesday afternoon Australian time). Clinton is aided by the fact that the states voting on Tuesday are predominantly Southern, with substantial numbers of African Americans, who supported her by enormous margins in South Carolina. If, as anticipated, Clinton reproduces her SC functionality, expect comfortable successes for her in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Texas and Virginia. Sanders is slated to acquire his home state of Vermont, and be competitive in other states, such as Massachusetts, Oklahoma and Minnesota. However, because of how delegates are awarded , Sanders is very likely to be well behind Clinton in terms of delegate numbers post-Tuesday, and may need to concede that his effort is not likely to succeed. The GOP's Super Tuesday is very likely to be one at which The Donald reigns supreme. FiveThirtyEight, a polling aggregator run by elections specialist Nate Silver, favours Trump to win many states on the ballot. However, this is complicated by the fact that Ted Cruz is extremely likely to win his home state of Texas, and amass a large number of delegates because of Texas' status as the USA's second-most populous country. Outside of Texas, Cruz's polling numbers have faltered in the South, a region his effort was expected to survey very strongly in. Cruz's collapse has emboldened the effort of Marco Rubio, but even so, Rubio lags well behind Trump in most state polling. Rubio may end up amassing a useful number of delegates through second-places, but winning just one or two states (or not, as the case may be) would be detrimental for his effort. Rubio's pitch is based around the concept that his childhood, charisma and Hispanic background makes him the most electable Republican in a general election against Hillary Clinton. Failing to devote a fantastic showing this Tuesday could overtake this marginally. From Wednesday afternoon (Australian time), we'll have a far clearer picture of just who both major candidates will likely be. In this most unpredictable and remarkable of American election years, anything could happen. Stay tuned. Read more here:
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